
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Khalid al Faisal Heart's

Maryam!! i mean Maryam <3'z>.. Can u guys imagen how maryam is spreading the love around?
لا سحاب ولا مطر .. لا نسيم ولا زهر ..

لا طيور ولا زهر .. ولا مع باقي البشر

reaching the point khalid alfaisal is added smoothly to my "Heart" poets list which am really looking fwd for reading all his books

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yeah well this is the first post for me,, actually my first Blog!! and thaaaaanx to " 7amdooh , fa6mimi , Nada & 3alayeh for convincing me to start blogging where I'll have the chance to share my latest shots and to converse anything pops in mind.