
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

76% emaratiii

1. [X] Your parents are cousins or at least relatives.
2. [X] Your grandparents are cousins or at least relatives.
3. [X] You are not an only child.
4. [X] You have so many cousins that when someone asks you how many they are you start counting them and you still forget a cousin.
5. [X] Anyone who shares the same last name as yours you immediately call them 2nd cousins.
6. [] You refer to yourself as local instead of Emarati.
7. [] You wear Kandoora/Abayah almost everywhere you go.
8. [X] You travel at least once a year.
9. [] You have been to London at least 3 times.
10. [X] You call your father or mother's friends (Aunt or Uncle).

Current total: 7

11. [X] You at least own 3 cars.
12. [X] You bought a car plate number worth more than 50,000 DHS and if you didn't you know someone who did.
13. [X] When a famous Arabic singer writes a song especially for a bride or groom it is COMPLETELY normal in fact that's what you're gonna do for your own wedding.
14. [] Your parents or grandparents have hinted ever since you've been born that you are going to marry your cousin.
15. [] When a new baby is born into the family the elders of your family demand for the baby to be called after them.
16. [X] You use "Y3nee" in practically all your sentences.
17. [X] You actually know your great great grandfather's name who just coincidentally is your father's or brother's or uncle's name.
18. [X] You have spent your childhood watching Captain Majid on Saturday mornings.
19. [X] A lot of your swears include SHIT (5ara 3alayk/3alaych, Seer Zig/Seeri Zigi .. etc).
20. [X] Your lunch mostly consists of rice and something (3aish oo la7am, 3aish oo deyay, 3aish oo male7 .. etc).

Current total: 15

21. [] Going to the desert with your family in winter is a ritual.
22. [X] Being spanked as a child was very normal.
23. [X] You know someone Emarati studying Business in Boston.
24. [X] In your weddings you can't even hear what the other person is saying because of the loud and bad music.
25. [X] You have once been hooked up with the show "Al Maidan".
26. [X] In your family a girl's curfew is 10 or 11 max and a boy's a curfew is .. well he doesn't have a curfew.
27. [X] In Eid or any other celebration you greet about 50 people you don't even know.
28. [X] The boys in your family have been driving without a licence ever since they were 13.
29. [X)] The food in your house triples in Ramadhan.
30. [X] You have once owned a flickr account.

Current total: 24

31. [x ] One of your parents speaks fluent Indian. (does pakistani count? HAHAHA)
32. [] Your first mobile was Nokia.
33. [] Your grandparents own a pickup truck.
34. [X] You have ridden a buggy in the desert.
35. [X] You wear a uniform to school.
36. [X] You have owned a colored baby chicken as a child.
37. [X] You have experienced the terrible traffic in Sharjah and if you didn't you've heard scary stories about it.
38. [X] You are not shocked when you've been told that Dubai is going to build the biggest waterfall in a mall.
39. [] You only drink Vimto when it's Ramadhan.
40. [X] You are addicted to Oronamin C or Redbull.

Current total: 31

41. [] As a kid your favorite snack was Laban and Chips Oman.
42. [X] There is a tiny farm of chickens and goats in your grandma's backyard.
43. [X] Someone in your family has diabetes or high cholesterol.
44. [X] You've watched Bold and the Beautiful or any other soap opera with your maids as a kid.
45. [X] You memorized the Macarena dance by heart.
46. [X] You know a couple of Indian words.
47. [X] You’ve at least seen one car covered with designer monograms (Gucci, Dior .. etc).
48. [X] There is always a family connection between you and most of your friends.
49. [] Your nickname is your name but with extra O’s (Rashood, Alyoo .. etc).
50. [] You join the UAE network just to spy on other Emaratis. Admit it.

Current total: 38

TOTAL: Multiply by 2

TOTAL: 37 x 2 = 76%Emarati!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Zoro <3


uhhhhhhhhhhh :(

yaaaaaaaaaaaaay ^.^ banana"z



gimme dat "kiss"


Friday, March 6, 2009

Jum3a mbarak 2 all of you

Sitting here watching the jomah prayer live from makka ,, while looking at my younger brother having “walkers french fries “ filling his tummy before going downstairs for lunch, in the other end of the room mums talking on the phone whereas my sister is getting ready for horse ridding! & someone’s over here is so m7tara in how to spend her day and not knowing where to go? Eeeeeeeh I hate going out on Fridays!!!!
Ooo that was quick,! Just received a phone call from a beloved friend asking me to go out to the cinema with her , yeah I guess that would do for today!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How cruel is that?

Sunday, March 1, 2009


ان جرحي لايؤلم احدا في الوجود غيري
وان بكاء الناس من حولي....لن يفيدني بشيء

ان اثمن الدموع واصدقها..هي التي تنزل بصمت.
..دون ان يراها احد

ان افرح مع الناس....وان احزن وحدي
وان دواء جراحي الوحيد...هو رضائي بقدري

ان من راقب الناس...مات كرها من الناس
وان من حاسب الناس على عواطفهم نحوه...كان بينه وبينهم
حبل مقطوع لايربط ابداً
وانه لو اعطي الانسان كل مايتمنى...لأكل بعضنا بعضاً

انني اذا كنت اريد الراحه في الحياة..يجب ان اعتني بصحتي
واذا كنت اريد السعاده يجب ان اعتني بأخلاقي وشكلي
وانني اذا كنت اريدالخلود في الحياة يجب ان اعتني بعقلي
وانني اذا كنت اريد كل ذلك يجب ان اعتني اولاً...بديني

ان لا احتقر احدا مهما كان
فقد يضعه الله موضع من تخشى فعاله ويرجى وصاله
وانه لولا المرض...لافترست الصحه ما بقي من نوازع الرحمه
لدى الانسان

ان لكل انسان عيب
وان اخف العيوب...مالا يكون له اثر سيء على من حولنا

ان البيئه التي نشأنا فيها كونت شخصياتنا..وان افكارنا وطموحنا
هي التي تعيد صناعة شخصياتنا وتغير من شكل حياتنا.

ان الكثير منا كالاطفال
نكره الحق لانه نتذوق مرارة دوائه..ولا نفكر في حلاوة شفائه
ونحب الباطل..لاننا نستلذ بطعمه ولا نبالي بسمّه ؟؟؟

ان جمال النفس يسعدنا ومن حولنا
وجمال الشكل يسعد من حولنا فقط
وان من علامة حسن الاخلاق..ان تكون في بيتك احسن الناس

....انه ربما كان الضحك دواء
والمرح شفاء
وقلة اللامبالاة احيانا منجاة...
لمن اورثته الهموم والاعباء
واني حين اضيع نفسي...اجدها في مناجاة الله
وحين افقد غايتي الجأ الى كتاب الله تعلمت
ان اسوأ انواع المرض ان تبتلى بمخالطة
غليظ الفهم
محدود الادراك
بليد الذوق
لا يفهم ويرى نفسه انه افهم من يفهم

ان العاجز ... من يلجأ عند النكبات للشكوى
والحازم ... من يسرع للعمل
والمستقيم ... الذي لا تتغير مبادئه بتغير الظروف
والمتواضع ... الذي لا يزهو بنفسه في مواقف النصر

انه لو كنا متوكلين على الله حق التوكل لما قلقنا على المستقبل
ولو كنا واثقين من رحمته تمام الثقه لما يئسنا من الفرج
ولو كنا موقنين بحكمته لما عتبنا عليه بقضاؤه وقدره
ولو كنا مطمئنين الى عدالته لما شككنا في نهاية الظالمين
وان لله جنودا يحفظوننا ويدافعون عنا منهم....