
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Late Ramadan Karem


Yes I have been away for a while, XD did I even say Ramdan Kareem to all of you?

Anyways,, Ramdan this year have been totally different then all ramdan’s , bad sleeping habits was all over the place , tv shows wasn’t as good as I thought or even expected, I wasn’t in the mood to do whatever thing , and btw its not only me who says that , whenever I meet someone they’ll just open this topic and start talking about how unusual this month was , and the creepiest thing is that ITS all most done!!! Eid is just behind the doors, blinks away. Time passes Ultra quick L getting this lump that I so don’t want ramdan to end, although it was different but ramdan nights are way better and nicer then normal days “ its just different can’t explain”

Changing the subject totally, I still can’t stand the humidity over here, I’ll be fine staying in the HOT weather but not the moisty weather out side its just disgusting, this feeling makes me don’t wana leave the doorstep and if I do so I make sure that I have NO makeup on cuz having it on and leaving the house with humid weather feel so wrong, ur face 1.starts to have this sticky feeling 2.its apparently melts, and what kills me more is whenever I see a girl wearing FULL makeup in uni or walking out I straight away get this soggy feeling, >.<>

That’s all for now I”ll keep you updated

عرفت إن الخريف أرحم على الوردة من الإنسان
عرفت إن الذي يظلم يشوف الظلم بأيامه
عرفت إن الألم لوحة تجسد واقع الحرمان
عرفت إن الزمن يكذب علينا وتكذب أيامه

عرفت إن الخيال اللي يداعب روعة الألوان
بعين المنتظر صورة وعينه تعشق أوهامه
عرفت إن البشر في حزنهم يا للأسف عدوان
إذا من جيتهم تشكي ظلمك الكل بأحكامه

بكينا بصرخة هزت علينا موقع الجدران
خسارة من قتل نفسه بنفسه ولا أحد لامه
على طول الصبر فينا متى الإحساس بالكتمان
نموت من العطش والغيم يسقي الليل بأنسامه